What are the components and features of School ERP?

With the upsurge of online education, schools, and colleges are looking for more automated ways to manage student data, finance, and human resources. Enterprise Resource Planning systems, also called ERP software are there to do this job for your institute and regulate your academic and administrative work. 

If your institute also wants to leverage this technology, then here are some key features and components of school ERPs that you should look for. 


5 Key Components of the School ERP System 

Here are the five fields that ERP for schools can handle:

Human Resources 


A school ERP system is an integrated software solution that manages tasks for employees such as automated payments to staff, deciding holidays and working hours, attendance records, tax payments, keeping performance records, and many more. Any organization needs to manage its human resources better to grow. 


Every organization needs a single system to manage all the transactions and to make sure that the payments are done on time. ERP software can keep a record of all your financial data such as budgeting, costs, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash flow, and profits. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

This is the component that uses data analysis techniques to gather detailed information about the customers from multiple channels and keep track of their information. Basically, CRM studies the user’s personal information and purchasing behavioral patterns and suggests relatable products. 

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM is a network that handles all the steps from the beginning to the end till the final product reaches the customers. It is useful for educational institutions that want their courses to reach the right audience. It does all the planning, marketing, and finishing of product distribution. 

Manufacturing and Logistics 

Every organization has some goals and objectives to achieve. So it is important to keep track of where they stand and what to do to achieve their targets. Manufacturing and Logistics are required for planning, production, taking orders, product delivery, and generating summaries for a business to earn profits. 

Important Features in a School ERP System 

Here are some key features to look for in a school management system:

Attendance Management 

ERP for schools has the best feature of attendance tracking for students and staff. There is no need for bothersome roll calls as this system records the time of arrival and leaving. It also ensures child safety by informing parents about their child’s presence in the class. 

Admission Process 

It is the most important feature of the school ERP to manage the complete process of admission. It records all the necessary details of candidates in one place that is accessible easily to staff. It saves cost and time as there is no need to make numerous files. 

Uses Cloud Based Technology 

Instead of searching and sorting data manually, an ideal ERP for schools provides cloud-based data storage that makes accessing data easier. Not only it saves time but increases productivity in large organizations too. 

Managing Examination 

Another feature of an ERP system is scheduling and managing all the exams in the school. It notifies students about exam updates and keeps records of the practical, viva, and written examinations.

Managing Employees 

An educational institution has to manage staff also. ERP software makes it easier by recording attendance, releasing payments, and performing other tasks. 

Library Management 

Sometimes it is difficult to keep records of thousands of books in the library. So, library automation software is a must for large institutions. It makes the issuing, searching, and returning of books easier while keeping track of each student’s book access. 

Interaction Among Users 

The most important feature of ERP for schools is communication among students, staff, and faculties. ERP serves as a notice board where students get notifications about exams, holidays, fee dues, and other activities. It uses mediums like SMS, emails, and push notifications for communication. All the important information is uploaded on the bulletin board. 

Final Words 

School ERP is a one-stop platform for different purposes like enrollment and registration, fee collection, attendance management, exams management, hostel records, library records, human resource management, transportation management, and many more. It is time for the large educational institutions to upgrade their slow and complicated systems to automated systems. It will increase the work efficiency and proper management of human resources. The whole world is embracing technology to enhance productivity, so why not start with the education system? 

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